Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Bottomless Pit Snack Solution

So our middle schooler comes home every day after school starving.  No, I mean starving. In fact, I think he gives new meaning to the word starving.  He wakes up every morning and packs his own lunch.  He also makes his own breakfast.  And they are pretty big meals that he packs and eats.  But as soon as he walks in the door, it's a feeding frenzy.  He is a bottomless pit.  A food funnel.  A snack abyss.  I often lie awake at night wondering how we're going to support this man-child's eating habits.

I've been trying to stay ahead of the game by having something prepared for him when he gets home.  This is to limit the mindless wandering and eating of anything that's not nailed down.  So today I made these Quinoa Power Babies and Fudge Babies.  They are both simple snacks and pack a power house of energy and nutrients your body needs.  The thing I like about them is that neither one contains added sugars or sweeteners and neither one contains refined sugar or refined grains.

Here, let me share.

Quinoa Power Babies:

2/3 C. dry quinoa
1 1/3 C. water
24 whole dates, pitted and no sugar added
1 C. almonds, dry roasted without added salt
2/3 C. grated coconut, unsweetened


First, in a sauce pan, add quinoa and water.  Cover.  Bring to a boil.  When it starts to boil, reduce heat to low.  Put timer on for 15 minutes.  When done cooking, fluff with a fork.  Transfer to a bowl where it can cool to room temperature.  To speed this up, I place it in the freezer for 15 minutes or until cooled.  Don't forget about it!

 Next, place dates in a food processor.   

 Pulse until a ball forms.

 Remove dates.  

 Next add almonds to processor.    

 Process until powdery.

  Add dates and shredded coconut to the almonds in the processor.  

Add the cooled quinoa.

 Pulse until all ingredients are blended well.  

 Take a melon ball scooper and scoop mixture into little balls.  Place in a bowl to refrigerate or enjoy immediately.  

Fudge Babies:
1 C. walnuts
1 C. dates
1 tsp. vanilla
3-4 Tbs. cacao


In the bowl of  a food processor or Vitamix, add walnuts and pulse until powdery.  Add dates and pulse until blended in with walnuts. 

  Add cacao and vanilla and pulse until well combined. 

 Scoop up about a tablespoon and roll into a ball.  Place in a dish and refrigerate.  

Or if you can't stand the wait, enjoy immediately!  

Our kids love these!  Which is a great thing.  They are easy to make.  They require no baking.  You can double the recipe and freeze some for later.  They are filling.  But most importantly, they are a healthy snack!

Let me tell you about the health benefits of these yummy snacks.  First I'll tell you about the  quinoa, coconut and almonds.  The benefits of dates are below with the Fudge Babies.

Let's begin with quinoa.  It is the best source of complete protein in the plant kingdom.  It provides all the necessary building blocks for skin, bone and brain regeneration.  Do you have a child who plays sports and aspires to be a professional athlete (what kid doesn't?)?  Well, let them know of the health benefits of this protein packed superfood!  Quinoa contains all the essential amino acids, plus a good range of minerals and the B vitamins.  The protein content of quinoa is used effectively by your body so that it can provide the large amount of energy needed for the constant renewal of your skin, hair, nails, teeth, bones, and organs.  Quinoa is also high in anti-inflammatory omega-6 oils and is ideal for those of us who cannot tolerate gluten.  Quinoa also contains phosphorus which is beneficial for your brain and nervous system.  It contains potassium which balances out sodium.  Quinoa also contains zinc and selenium which offer potent antioxidant protection. 

Coconut-  Coconut is a power house of nutrition and healing!  It is highly nutritious and rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals.  It contains high levels of manganese, potassium and phosphorus.  Coconut also has a high fiber content which makes you feel full longer and also help keep you regular.  Coconut is also rich in lauric acid which enhances immunity. Not only does coconut provides a nutritional source of quick energy, but it also boosts energy and endurance which enhances physical and athletic performance.  Coconut has also been shown to improve digestion and absorption of other nutrients including vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.  Coconut has also been shown to improve calcium and magnesium absorption and support the development of strong bones and teeth.  These are just a few of the health benefits of coconut.  The health benefits of coconut really are endless and go well beyond its nutritional content.

Almonds-  Almonds are a high-fat food that's good for your health.  Almonds are high in monounsaturated fats which have been associated with reduced risk of heart disease.   Almonds also help lower LDL, the "bad cholesterol."  They contain vitamin E, magnesium and potassium.  Vitamin E is an antioxidant that has been shown to reduce heart disease risk  Magnesium improves the flow of blood, oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.  Potassium is an important electrolyte involved in nerve transmission and the contraction of all muscles.  Potassium is also another mineral that is essential for maintaining normal blood pressure and heart function.  Add almonds to your diet if you would like to promote cardiovascular health.

So now let me break down why I love the Fudge Babies (besides them being yummy).  First, the walnuts are rich in polyunsaturated fats.  They contain mostly the essential omega-fats in the form of alpha-linolenic acid.   Omega fats have been linked with protection from cardiovascular disease, cancers, arthritis, skin problems and diseases of the nervous system.  If you don't eat fish, the intake of omega-3 fats from walnuts is important for you.  Walnuts are also rich in antioxidants and a good source of fiber and the B vitamins.  They are also a good source of minerals.  Walnuts can also lower bad cholesterol and blood pressure.  They can also increase the elasticity of the arteries.

Second are the dates which are full of health-benefitting nutrients, vitamins, phytochemicals and minerals.  Dates are a good source of fiber which helps keep one regular and prevents bad cholesterol absorption.  Dates are also a good source of iron, potassium and B vitamins.  They also contain vitamins A and K, copper, magnesium, manganese, B6, niacin, pantothenic acid, and riboflavin.  These vitamins are beneficial for your eyes, skin, mucus membranes, lungs, blood, heart rate, blood pressure, and immune system.

Cacao.  This is probably my favorite part.  This information makes me really happy!  The health benefits of cacao...sigh....  Let me mention a few.  Cacao contains antioxidants which reduce cell damage and help prevent a multitude of diseases, including Alzheimer's and cancer.   Cacao also helps improve sugar metabolism.  Cacao also contains polyphenols which reduce the risk of colorectal or colon cancer.   Cacao is a "whole" food with many vital phytonutrients, including essential vitamins and minerals, as well as trace minerals, good fats, fiber, and fuel for the body.  Cacao can  lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation, improve platelet function, raise HDL, and decrease LDL oxidation.

So why wouldn't you eat a Fudge Baby or two or three......?  Or indulge on Quinoa Power Babies?   Or like our man-child.... well, he would eat the entire batch if we let him.  I do not recommend that!  So when you are hungry and craving something sweet but want something healthy, whip yourself up a quick batch of Fudge Babies or Quinoa Power Babies!  Your body will thank you for it!  So will your children!

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