Monday, March 10, 2014

Easy Breakfast

Experts say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  I'll say it is!  Come morning I am HUNGRY!!!  And I am not a morning person.  I know.  Hard to believe.  Not so much if you live with me.  No comments from immediate family members please!  :) 

My idea of a good breakfast is something fast and healthy.  What's fast and healthy and takes minimal effort in the morning?  SMOOTHIES!  My favorite is a Super Green Smoothie A.K.A. a Shrek Smoothie or The Hulk Smoothie.  If you've ever made one, you know why.  The end product isn't all that pretty. 

So you start with a high powered blender.  If you don't have a high power blender you will want to chop your kale and spinach up into little pieces before adding them to the blender unless you don't mind chewing your smoothie, but we'll get to that part in a minute.

You'll begin with a "milk" base, about 1.5 C.  I use coconut milk or almond milk.  I make my own.  It's cost effective and really easy.  Plus you don't get any stabilizers or thickeners which can be gut irritants or hidden food allergens such as gluten or corn products. Coconut products have been shown to help with digestion, assist with thyroid function, and regulate metabolism and mood.  The fat in coconut products is a very healthy fat and it's great for your brain function.  Who wouldn't like to enjoy a breakfast while boosting your brain?  That's a true no brainer! 

Next you add 1 c. frozen strawberries (or a berry blend) and 1/2 C. frozen blueberries.  Did you know that blueberries are one of the riches of all fruits in antioxidant compounds, which could help to protect your body from coronary heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers?  They have also been found to help keep your eyes healthy.  You'll want to make sure your berries are organic otherwise you will be drinking pesticides with your smoothie.  Berries are on the list of foods that are laden with pesticides! 

Next add 1 C. organic spinach and 1 C. organic kale.  I LOVE kale.  It is one of the most nutritious greens you can add to your diet.  It's loaded with calcium, antioxidants and vitamin C.  It is rich in flavonoids and antioxidants which help to fight cancers.  It contains indoles, which can help lower bad cholesterol and also helps prevent cancer.  Kale is also very rich in carotenes which protects your eyes.  The health benefits of kale are endless.  Greens are also one of those foods that are high in pesticides.  Make sure they are organic!

To the above, add a banana and a splash of vanilla.  Blend until all the ingredients are combined.  If you have a high powered blender, such as a Vitamix, you do not need to chop the greens into little pieces before blending.   The high powered blender does all the work for you.  If you don't, be sure to chop before adding unless you don't mind chewing a little bit of your smoothie

Yes, the color of the smoothie is unappetizing.  Think Shrek or The Incredible Hulk.  Or just don't think at all.  Put it in a coffee mug and drink it down!  Your body will thank you.  You will feel full, healthy and energized!  And you'll be pleasantly surprised at the taste too!  Trust me.  Would I steer you wrong?  Enjoy your breakfast!  Live well!

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