Thursday, March 13, 2014

Free of Sugar and Still Alive

It all began, or I should say ended, on Wednesday, March 5th 2014.  I broke up with sugar.  Let me re-phrase that.  I broke up with sweeteners, sweets, refined sugar,  raw sugar, cane sugar, cane juice, date sugar, palm sugar, turbinado sugar, honey, maple syrup, agave nectar, molasses, brown sugar, etc. etc.  We've had such a tumultuous relationship that I also broke up with anything that contains these ingredients.  It was so bad that I considered getting a restraining order.  So far, so good.  Only time will tell if I need to take those drastic measures.  I pray I don't have to. 

It just wasn't workout out for us anymore.  We would thoroughly enjoy each other when we were together.  We had such a great time at parties and social functions.  We'd hang out with cake or cookies or brownies.  Sometimes we'd go shopping and grab a Lindt white chocolate truffle.  Three for a dollar at Family Dollar.  Sometimes there'd be reason to celebrate at home with an ice cream social.  Maybe someone did really well at a swim meet or a wrestling match.  Maybe someone got an excellent grade on a test or someone did all their homework.  Or someone did the dishes.  Or someone pushed their chair in without being told.  Wait, did someone turn the light out when leaving the room?  Did someone blink his eyes?  Someone is breathing!  We are going to celebrate and we are going to make it a SWEET celebration!   And so the love affair with sweets continues......

I just had to be with sugar.  Sugar was the first thing I would think about when I woke up in the morning and the last thing I'd think about when my head hit the pillow.  Sugar made me feel great.  Sugar made me want more.  Sugar gave me that instant rush.  I craved sugar all day, every day.  Chocolate, candy, sweets.  What love I had for sugar!

But then things began to change.  It was subtle at first.  I noticed highs and lows in my energy levels throughout the day.  I noticed I would feel tired when I woke up after spending the day with sugar.  I started to feel unsatisfied and hungry after eating sugar.  I started to have mood swings. CRAZY mood swings!   My cravings were out of control.  I needed more and more sugar to make me feel 'normal.'  I was in denial!

For the love and stability of my family, I had to admit it and take action.  I had a problem.  I was addicted to sugar.  I was in an unhealthy relationship and needed an intervention.  So I checked myself into Live Well Resources of Wethersfield, CT.  It's this great place in Old Wethersfield where you can be loved and supported and not have to fill yourself up on sugar.  I researched a sugar detox program and signed myself up for it.

Nine days into it I am doing very well.  I still have the urge to indulge, especially with those Cadbury caramel eggs screaming my name as I walk by them in the store.  But seriously, whenever I am having the urge for something sweet I make myself a chocolate banana smoothie.
It's so simple and yummy.  Takes the edge off.

Here's the recipe:

1 C. unsweetened coconut milk
1- 2 frozen bananas
2 T. cacao powder
2 T. peanut butter (optional)

Place ingredients in your blender.  Add a small handful of ice for additional frostiness. Blend and enjoy.

I find that this gives me a special treat without sabotaging my treatment plan and it's health producing.  Here's why.

Let's look at coconut milk.  The unique fatty acids in coconut milk may improve the condition of your hair and skin, assist with weight loss and reduce your risk of heart disease.  These fats have also been shown to improve your immune system.  Remember, it's not fat that makes one fat.  It's the consumption of sugars and processed foods that make you fat! 

The banana is also health producing.  Did you know that bananas are high in potassium?  Did you know that bananas lower blood pressure and protect against heart attack and stroke?  Did you know that bananas contain high levels of tryptophan which is converted to seratonin?  Think HAPPY mood!  Bananas are also high in vitamin B-6.  This means they protect against type II diabetes, help with weight loss, and  strengthen your nervous system.

Cacao.  The bean of the cacao plant is the source for all chocolate and cocoa products.  Cacao powder is unprocessed.  Because it is unprocessed, the important, healthful benefits of cacao have not been stripped or destroyed.  Cacao is considered a super food.  In South American cultures, cacao has been used for its healthful properties for thousands of years.  Cacao contains an abundant supply of antioxidants which help protect your body's healthy cells from attack by free radicals which cause disease.  Cacao is also found to be one of the highest dietary sources of magnesium, flavanols and polyphenols.  You can purchase cacao powder at Whole Foods or on amazon at:

Peanut butter is optional.  One may also use almond butter. I did not add peanut butter to my smoothie this morning.  You may want to for that extra boost of flavor.

Peanuts are good sources of niacin, vitamin e, folate,  protein and manganese.  They also contain resveratrol which is an antioxidant that is thought to lower your risk of cardiovascular disease.  If you are consuming peanuts, you must make sure they are organic.  Non-organic peanuts and peanut products are high in pesticides, fungus and aflotoxin which is a potential carcinogen linked to cancer. 

Almonds are a better source of healthy fats than peanuts.  They have a better fatty acid profile and are a good source of omega 3's.  Almonds are also a good source of vitamin E, magnesium and potassium and have been found to protect against diabetes and cardiovascular disease.   Did you know that people who eat nuts at least twice a week are  much less likely to gain weight than those who almost never eat nuts?

So you see, a lot has been gained by my break up with sugar.  Not only have I been freed from the mood swings, addiction, suppression of my immune system, anxiety, and cravings, to mention a few, but I have also gained the above health benefits by substituting 3 - 4 simple real,  whole food ingredients into that place where I would have eaten health depleting sugar laden foods.

Who says change isn't good?

What about you?  What so you struggle with?  How are you coping through that struggle?

Live well!

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