Thursday, October 11, 2012

What's For Breakfast?

We all know or have heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  There's a lot of pressure to make it count.  Nutritional experts say that if you skip breakfast you will have problems with concentration, metabolism, energy, mood and weight loss/gain.  Now I have your undivided attention!  Unless of course, you skipped breakfast this morning which caused you to have problems concentrating on reading this.  Because of your difficulty concentrating, you probably don't even give breakfast a second thought.  But you will once that muffin top turns into a full blown pound cake!  So I suggest that for the health of you and your purse or wallet  (cost of new wardrobe, visits to doctor, etc.) that you eat breakfast daily. 

So, what's for breakfast? 

For a quick, nutritious breakfast I reach for a smoothie.  My favorite smoothie recipe consists of 1 1/2 C. of vanilla rice milk (or coconut milk or almond milk), 1 C of strawberries, 1/2 C. blueberries, 1 banana, 1 C. kale, 1 C. spinach, a pinch of stevia.  Sometimes, I add cacao.  Yum.  Put it all in the Vitamix, and there you have it.  Of course, if the kids are around to witness this, I make up a huge story about the Hulk and how this is a Hulk smoothie, and it will make you SOOOOOO strong, not angry, just strong!  And they gobble it up,  the story and the smoothie!

Another favorite breakfast of mine is a kale omelet.  Back in August we bought 9 egg-laying hens.  So each day we typically get 8-9 fresh eggs.  And believe me it is no problem at all to put them to good use!  So I saute one small onion, chopped,  in oil.  Add 2 C. shredded kale.  Saute until wilted.   Take about 3-4 egg whites and mix them with one whole egg.  Add to skillet.  Cook, flipping eggs when set.  Yum!  Now that's a nutrient dense omelet.  I have substituted other nutrient dense greens for the kale.  Sometimes I add salsa.  Mmmm-mmmm.  Now I'm ready to take on the day!

What about  those mornings when you are running out of time or aren't that hungry?  I know, it's hard to believe that a human being may not be hungry.  That never happens to me.  In fact, there are many moments in time that I wish I were taller so that I could eat more without worrying about whether or not I'm going to have to unbutton that top button of my pants or change into sweats altogether...  Tall people = more food.  In any case, a simple breakfast would be to grab about a quarter cup of nuts and a piece of fruit.  The nuts contain unsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, protein and other nutrients.  They help to lower LDL or "bad cholesterol" and increase HDL or "good cholesterol."  If you are allergic to nuts or simply can't tolerate them, try pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds for a healthy choice.  And fruit?  Who doesn't enjoy a good piece of fruit?  Fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, micro-nutrients, and anti-oxidants which remove free radicals from the body, and are believed to offer protection against cancers.  Fruit also boosts immunity which is extremely important this time of year.

So when you are waking up from your dream land and considering sleeping in for a few more hits of that snooze button, consider the good you could do that temple of yours by simply eating breakfast.  That body will thank you and so will the people around you when they notice your newly found focus and energy!  Not to mention the boosted mood you will bless those around you with.  Most importantly you will be making a healthy choice in your journey to wellness.

All this talk about food has made me hungry.....

What's your favorite, healthy breakfast?

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